Synyster Graves

The Infantile Genesis of Assumption

by on Nov.12, 2011, under Theories and Science

Recently I’ve touched on the rapid ascension up the stupid scale one can travel by a simple application of misdirected and generally negative assumption. Instead of highlighting how much of a halfwit you are by making the initial assumption, let alone actually running with it to the degree that you need to air your puerile assumption in social media, I was looking into the simple assumption which is instilled in you at an early age:

Ok you all know the poem, so I ask you that where in the poem does it say that Humpty Dumpty is an egg? It doesn’t. It’s not even implied. There is no reference to the fact that the common perception of Humpty Dumpty is an uncooked chicken embryo. This is probably the first real assumption that you’re taught. So this precipitates the ability, even from a young age, that assumptions good and bad can be accepted as fact. Is there any evidence whatsoever? No there isn’t because the imagery that accompanies this poem is always that of an egg. While this poem could be perceived as a metaphor, such as the fall of Richard III for example, this nursery rhyme is aimed at children about to enter school for the first time, (Ok we all know the nursery rhyme The Grand Old Duke of York is about Richard III), and thus pertain towards assumption without evidence from a young age.

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