Synyster Graves

Remember, remember the 5th of November

by on Nov.04, 2010, under Angry Rants

Now that Halloween is over (alas), I turn my attention to Guy Fawkes night, which is celebrated here on the 5th of November. It’s a celebration, if indeed you can call it that, of the conspirators who tried to blow up the houses of Parliament with a shit ton of gunpowder. While Guy Fawkes was the dumb bugger who elected to stay behind to light the fuse, when he was captured, tortured and executed. I still maintain that if it was me I’d have blown myself up and kamikazed with the houses rather than get tortured. For all we know this story could have been grossly embellished and could have been a deterrent at the time to dissuade any conspirators from betraying the government. Anyways, regardless of the actual concrete facts, Guy Fawkes night is designed to be an occasion to get together with friends and family to watch fireworks.

What really pisses me off is the general disregard for fireworks from some people. A firework will burn in excess of 300 degrees Celsius and can cause first degree burns. Things like this demand respect and when I see stupid people trying to have lightsabre fights with Roman Candles, it just makes me think that if they manage to burn/maim/kill themselves, it’s their own fucking fault. It’s the same when you get some idiot drinking and they fail to properly stake a rocket into the ground, resulting in it cocking when it’s lit and they end up performing a blitzkreig on their own house. I know that fireworks are 18 age limit and they do actually attempt to enforce it slightly, but you can be a complete retard at 20 and be even more reckless. So the age restriction if pointless especially if the person who is allegedly responsible is a twat.

A large part of me sees stupid people killing themselves as a kind of natural selection so I shouldn’t even get worked up about it, but it’s when people are stupid or careless, that’s when innocent bystanders get hurt. How would you like it if someone burned you, regardless of accident, because they were stupid? It’s fucking insane. I hate people being irresponsible when dealing with such dangerous things.

Fireworks are dangerous. Don’t be a twat! (Personally I recommend Sefton Park in Liverpool if you’re nearby. They put on an awesome show!)

Guy Fawkes: Retard

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