Synyster Graves

Cloudy With The Chance of Minions

by on Sep.24, 2010, under Gamer Rages

I thought I’d briefly post my sentiments up on Rabit and my current project on Borderlands, that is the complete annihilation of Crawmerax the Invincible. For those of you who are unfamiliar with either Borderlands or it’s expansion packs, Crawmerax is a 13-foot crab which spits purple globules out his eyes and has rather large claws. While currently we are capped at level 61, this big bugger is level 64. Now normally that wouldn’t be too hard but for the fact that he has a shit load of minions, and they’re all about level 61. The fact that they’re constantly spawning and relentlessly spamming you with cheap attacks. Again, I wouldn’t mind the minions factor but the fact that you’re on a bit of rock the size of a postage stamp so the whole EDF style backpeddling and shooting will only lead you to oblivion about 10 stories down the cliff. I appreciate what Gearbox were trying to do but I have a fear that this boss is just too hard! Yes I know some people who have done it but when I’ve researched on YouTube as to how to defeat him, everyone is either trying to glitch him (which doesn’t work) or has fiddled with their stats on the PC version to essentially place them in God Mode! Which means you have no dick.

We will prevail against this foe as I’m determined to reinstate my Maxout achievement score for this game. But it brings me back to my point in an earlier blog where I was getting pissed off with boss’ minions. General Knoxx in the same DLC is a prime example. He’s proper hard on Playthrough 2 and gives you all the “if you can best me..” bullshit and then before you know it about 5 different walkers appear and blast the shit out of you! Now if you’re mouthing off about being that tough, man up and take me on yourself! You faggot.

Call me a player of honour but I believe in a battle like that, don’t be boastful if you’re going to hide behind waves and waves of fodder. It’s shit. If you defeat the fodder leading up to the boss then fair enough, not have more fodder when you actually reach him. It’s a bit like every single “boss” fight in games like Just Cause 2. I always get annoyed that it plies for “realism” which means each minion will fire off about two health bars worth of bullets, and you’ll sneak around the back and snipe the boss in the face with a sniper rifle, only to find that he had sustain about 7 bullets to the eye King Harold style and then it initiates a cut scene whereby he runs away. I mean come on! Older games like Streets of Rage and Golden Axe I could accept this but in this day in age, it’s simply frustrating.

Addendum 27/09/2010…
With the power of Emmwwaaahhh, Crawmerax is defeated! No glitches, no cheap shots, just pure hard work. For a start the patch came in last weekend which removed the glitch spot and nevertheless we killed him with only TWO players! To all the people who commented on my video and told me I suck….suck my arse!! Mwahahahahaha!!!

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