Synyster Graves

Rock Band 2: Bladder of Steel Achievement

by on Dec.06, 2010, under Ridiculous Achievements

Now this achievement is just ridiculous. The Endless Setlist on Rock Band will take about 7-8 hours to complete 82 songs, and in that time you can’t pause the game or fail a song. For this reason you should play on an easier difficulty because cocking it up 2 songs from the end will cause you to literally lose 7 hours of your life of which you’re not going to get back.

But the fact of the matter is this. This is doable if you have a loyal contingent of friends who can help you out as you can pass the instrument along to help each other get the necessary sustenance and toilet breaks, but if you don’t it’s almost physically malaising yourself for a meagre 25G.

If it's longer than a Dream Theater compilation, it's TOO fucking long!

I tried this achievement on my own only playing medium and it has to be said I thought I did quite well before nearly dying of a hypoglycemic attack. I got through the first 70 songs before I just had to stop. I had food to hand and in certain “breaks” in the songs I could eat something and songs with long intro’s which don’t require a guitar, I could nip to the toilet. But the thing which nearly killed me was staring at the screen for five hours straight, the runway from the game was burned onto my eyes and random objects in my flat were seemingly moving away from me as my eyes compensated for the fast paced button movement.

In essence, this achievement almost abuses your human rights to eat and take a shit. Unless you have an army of adept friends at your disposal, I would recommend playing this game on a toilet with a whole host of sustenance within arm’s (or face) reach because this is just plain ridiculous. In truth, the Endless Setlist achievements are complete shit because no one is going to have enough time to dedicate 7-8 hours of their life just for one shitty achievement. 25G does not equate to putting yourself through some kind of epileptic trauma coupled with self imposed famine.

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