Synyster Graves

Just Cause 2: Try Everything Once Achievement

by on Dec.17, 2010, under Ridiculous Achievements

Just Cause 2 as you know has a ridiculously sized map, I mean it’s huge, massive. It can take you about half an hour to traverse the expansive landscape in a Harrier jump jet it’s so big. I appreciate the area to fuck about in as essentially it is a sandbox game but considering the sheer size of it, finding all 104 vehicles and then driving them is just stupid.

Why do all the vehicles look EXACTLY the same?

Half the time all the vehicles look exactly the same. It’s either a motorised rickshaw, army jeep, apc or vauxhall astra. But apparently there’s a difference between some of them of which in all honesty I just can’t see. The cars aren’t VASTLY  different so trying to spot oone on the road or by air is quite a big ask. To then go and commandeer them is another matter. Nine times out of ten they will drive off and you’ll be flailing about trying to remember what the button to press for the grappling hook is by the time they’re just a dot on the horizon.

I personally gave up on this stupid achievement ages ago because I started off trying to give it a go and gave up when I realised the sheer selection of all the vehicles to get into. Considering how long it takes just to get about, you’re either going to have a lot of time on your hands, and I mean A LOT. Or someone out there has sacrificed about 3 months of their social calendar to write a guide, either way, I can’t be motivated in the slightest to attempt it.

This achievement is stupid and I’m quite happy to not bother going for the maxout on this one.


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