Synyster Graves

Earth Defence Force 2017: Inferno Achievement

by on Dec.06, 2010, under Ridiculous Achievements

For those of you who have played this game, you’ll know how frenetic this game gets, you get overwhelmed too easily and the game struggles to process the sheer tsunami of alien giant ants spaffing acid in your face. And the spiders. And the war walkers. And the flying things.

"Got any ant powder?"

So you could possibly imagine how difficult things can get on the hardest difficulty. Joking aside, you have no chance to survive so you really really need to make your time. Because it’s going to take a while if you have the patience and about 120 hours of hair pulling.

The only way you can survive on a harder difficulty is to hopefully get new weapons from weapon drops once you’ve killed enemies, but the better weapons (i.e. the one’s you’ll need to survive) are as rare as rocking horse shit. This makes a huge element of chance required in order to fight the alien hordes.

The enemies are beyond relentless and practically impossible, even if you manage to get some decent weapons, making this achievement pretty much impossible. The end boss is just insane on hardest difficulty (penultimate difficulty). There’s so many lasers on the screen it looks like a Jean-Michel Jarre montage in a planetarium. But imagine what that’s like on Inferno difficulty? I agree that 300G is very enticing, but in fairness, there’s not going to be many people who would have got this, and kudos to you if you did, because I think it’s fucking impossible.

:, ,

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