2010 FIFA World Cup™: Against All Odds Achievement
by SynRaptor on Feb.08, 2011, under Ridiculous Achievements
This is probably one of the stupidest achievements I think I have ever seen in my life. I’m aware that the FIFA games have an awful habit of throwing in impossible achievements but in this case it’s just gone too far.
Basically the crux of this achievement is to win the World Cup. Sound fair enough? Not when you have to play against people online only…with a 0.5 or a 1 star team. Let me dictate how shit a one star team is, we’re talking like teams whereby anyone under the age of 16 will have never heard of, let alone know where it is. I’m talking about the far flung places in the Pacific, Africa or former soviet Asia. For example if you were trying to beat someone online would you choose either Turkmenistan, Vanuatu or Mauritania? Most definitely not. A one star team basically will have the pace and prowess of a retirement home on ice skates and secondly, you can’t ignore the fact that if you play online, are people going to give you fair game by picking a team of similar difficulty? No of course they won’t.
The matchmaking in this game is awful as I had a quick go to see what the online World Cup was like. I was unaware of this achievement at the time but as a semi-competent player I thought I’d select China PR as my team (who are 2.5 stars). The amount of times I got matched up against either Germany, Argentina, Brazil or Holland was ridiculous. Everybody online will ALWAYS play as a 4.5 or 5 star team. No one is going to play on Xbox Live as a team with inferior skill to Accrington Stanley, Burton Albion or Portsmouth, because that would be suicide.
I suppose you could get lucky and all seven games to the final you’ll only face countries whose population is solely made up of Buddhist monks, but that’s near-on impossible and frankly shouldn’t be an achievement. EA dropping the ball? Let’s not be silly…