Day66Movie: Behind the Scenes – Episode 3 [UNCUT]: Z-Day (15/06/19)
by SynRaptor on Apr.26, 2020, under Day 66 Movie
This was the longer and uncut footage taken on the 15th June down in Botley, Hampshire when the horde scene was filmed. Many thanks to all who were involved and I have tried to condense this video down, but there’s too much good stuff to cut out! I know I uploaded the shorter version on Russ’ Tribey Media page (…) but here is a more candid look of the events of that day, with all my commentary which I left out of Russ’ edit but is on display here for you all in case my dulcet tones amuse you all!
Thank you to all the extras, cameramen and behind the scenes staff who made this all possible by working so hard throughout the day to make sure it all went smoothly. And thank you to Russ especially for giving me the opportunity to contribute and film all of this to share.
I’ve also showcased some of Mat’s music at the end to give you an insight of what his style of writing is like. Mat sent me this musical composition (check out his soundcloud here: which I have used as this outro theme for you all.
Day 66 is an independent movie filmed in Hampshire, straight out of the mind of Russ Tribe (Russ’ YouTube is here:…)